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The Vocal Vaper

Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-adVentures in Vaping: The Vocal Vaper: A New Year is upon us!
The Vocal Vaper-adVentures in Vaping: The Vocal Vaper: A New Year is upon us!: I am assuming that we will all survive the apocolypse tomorrow, and the sun will rise in the morning, just as it has done for the last billi...
The Vocal Vaper: A New Year is upon us!
I am assuming that we will all survive the apocolypse tomorrow, and the sun will rise in the morning, just as it has done for the last billion years that I have been around...
Now that we have that out of the way. I will celebrate one year completely stinkey-free on January 9th, and in retrospect, I have come so far fron where I was; wheezing, coughing, out if breath and stinking to high heaven. I had been introduced to e-cigs by my son, he was worried about my over-all health. I ordered a "starter pack of one battery, a charger and a container of cartomizers which promised, but did not deliver "a pack-and-a-half of cigarettes" on my second day of vaping, I realized that the two packages I bought were NOT going to last me two WEEKS, more like 4 or maybe five DAYS...so, I promptly ordered 4 more packages and expected them to last me two weeks! I began waiting at the mail box. The original shipment, ordered on Monday morning, arrived in Wednesday. So, I believed I would have my refills in 2-3 days...four at most...and I was about to learn my FIRST lesson about the vaping world. Never have less than at least a full paydays supply in vape storage!
When I hadn't received the package on day 5, I was jones-ing, throwing nic-fits and trying my very best NOT TO GO BACK TO CIGARETTES!!! To make a LONG story short, I did not receive my package from them for 6 weeks. By the time it DID arrive, I had already found a DIFFERENT e-cig vendor, placed an order from the new vendor and received it in 3 days, and had placed another order.
The second vendors merchandise arrived January 9th, and I began my Vaping Adventure.
If, by chance, you are reading this in preparation of beginning your own Vaping Adventure, or if you somehow went back to stinkies, and are considering a new start for 2013, I want to assure you that you CAN give those things up in favor of a nice clean vape!
First, don't let anyone's comments deter you. But I want to give the new, or returning Vaper a few "hints for success" and "wise buys".
For beginner, there are many options to choose from and much to learn. I asked my vaping friends what they wished someone had told them when they first started, so I take a lot of the information from them for this blog.
At first, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the information, all the equipment and of course, all of the juices! We all had/have the same goal: to quit smoking, and hopefully, feel a little bit better, to stop burning holes in our clothing, our cars, and the rare occasion our bed sheets or the dog. My goal was to QUIT SMOKING, where and how, was another matter. Some bought their first set up at the mall, paying upwards of $200, others at the swap-meet or flea market, paying $120 or more, and others of us just googled "electronic cigarette" and ended up at a place that supposedly ranked "the best of the best", and only later found out that the companies PAID to be on that website, it has NOTHING to do with being "the best"! The "best" is whatever gets you off cigarettes, and then KEEPS you off cigarettes. It could cost $5,000, but if it doesn't work, it's worth nothing, right?
And Some of Us are lucky enough to know a Vaper. THAT is the best help you can have, someone you know, who will always be on call for your questions, and be available at all hours! So, if you don't know a Vaper, you have me! (And thousands of other vapers who are willing to help you too!)
First, no matter where you buy, online or in person, do NOT pay $100 or more for your first kit! Here is a rundown of what you REALLY need in your first weeks:
A battery (two, if you are feeling flush)
A charger
Cartos, either prefilled or blank
Juice, if you have blank cartos, or know that you want to try your own juices.
To be honest, the carrying case is nice but not necessary, the charging case is nice, but not necessary and the pass-thru is nice, but unless you are a trucker or stuck at your desk for 8 hours every day, you don't really need it. I bought one, used it for two days and put it in the vape-junk drawer...I didn't like being tied to a 3 foot cord all day. You DO need enough cartomizers/blanks to get you through from one order to the next; I order once a month, so, I need enough to see me through a month plus shipping time.
I ALWAYS order online! The best deals are found there, you can ask questions without pressure and the selection is better than a "brick and mortar". I have been to two very different Vape Shops, one locally, where the kid on duty knew little to nothing about the product his boss carried and the other was one that I drove 150 miles to get to! It is owned and run by a "mom and pop" team of vapers who were EXTREMELY helpful, answered all my questions AND because I had purchased from them online, gave me the online discount. If you happen to live anywhere near Edgewater, Florida, go see LJ's E-smokes, 2329 S Ridgewood Ave, Edgewater, FL 386.402.8688. Ljsesmokes.com. These folks are good people, and can help you! (Tell them that the Vocal Vaper sent you!)
So, lets take this item by item! First: batteries.
Batteries come in every form, shape and style, beginning at the $10 disposable at Walgreens to the 24kt gold plated ProVari, to stainless steel batteries made in Greece, which are impossible to get unless you are willing to pay 3-5 times the original selling price to a "collector" who is trying to finance his next Ferrari by selling his collection.
You "might" want to buy a battery that replicates the feel, color, texture and flavor of your cigarette...totally understandable, I felt that way myself! But let me address "taste" first. NO electronic cigarette will taste "just like" your cigarette. With each inhale from your cigarette, you are not only inhaling "4000 chemicals" including formaldehyde, you are inhaling the smallest microns of ash...yes, the same ash that is on the tip of your smoke. So, NOTHING but a cigarette tastes like a cigarette. I can almost promise you that if you vape, without cheating, for a week, that when you break (and you will, and is okay, almost ALL of us do) you will discover just how awful cigarettes taste. I know, I know...I used be be a smoker! For 35 years, I did not believe that anyone could smell the cigarettes on me, on my clothes, on my breath, in my hair... I swore that every person ho saw me smoking, then started ACTING like she was choking and declaring herself "DEATHLY allergic" was so full of poo that her eyes were brown!
It wasn't until I was cigarette free for over a month that I realized that the only person I was fooling was myself.
See part Two, more battery information!
Now that we have that out of the way. I will celebrate one year completely stinkey-free on January 9th, and in retrospect, I have come so far fron where I was; wheezing, coughing, out if breath and stinking to high heaven. I had been introduced to e-cigs by my son, he was worried about my over-all health. I ordered a "starter pack of one battery, a charger and a container of cartomizers which promised, but did not deliver "a pack-and-a-half of cigarettes" on my second day of vaping, I realized that the two packages I bought were NOT going to last me two WEEKS, more like 4 or maybe five DAYS...so, I promptly ordered 4 more packages and expected them to last me two weeks! I began waiting at the mail box. The original shipment, ordered on Monday morning, arrived in Wednesday. So, I believed I would have my refills in 2-3 days...four at most...and I was about to learn my FIRST lesson about the vaping world. Never have less than at least a full paydays supply in vape storage!
When I hadn't received the package on day 5, I was jones-ing, throwing nic-fits and trying my very best NOT TO GO BACK TO CIGARETTES!!! To make a LONG story short, I did not receive my package from them for 6 weeks. By the time it DID arrive, I had already found a DIFFERENT e-cig vendor, placed an order from the new vendor and received it in 3 days, and had placed another order.
The second vendors merchandise arrived January 9th, and I began my Vaping Adventure.
If, by chance, you are reading this in preparation of beginning your own Vaping Adventure, or if you somehow went back to stinkies, and are considering a new start for 2013, I want to assure you that you CAN give those things up in favor of a nice clean vape!
First, don't let anyone's comments deter you. But I want to give the new, or returning Vaper a few "hints for success" and "wise buys".
For beginner, there are many options to choose from and much to learn. I asked my vaping friends what they wished someone had told them when they first started, so I take a lot of the information from them for this blog.
At first, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the information, all the equipment and of course, all of the juices! We all had/have the same goal: to quit smoking, and hopefully, feel a little bit better, to stop burning holes in our clothing, our cars, and the rare occasion our bed sheets or the dog. My goal was to QUIT SMOKING, where and how, was another matter. Some bought their first set up at the mall, paying upwards of $200, others at the swap-meet or flea market, paying $120 or more, and others of us just googled "electronic cigarette" and ended up at a place that supposedly ranked "the best of the best", and only later found out that the companies PAID to be on that website, it has NOTHING to do with being "the best"! The "best" is whatever gets you off cigarettes, and then KEEPS you off cigarettes. It could cost $5,000, but if it doesn't work, it's worth nothing, right?
And Some of Us are lucky enough to know a Vaper. THAT is the best help you can have, someone you know, who will always be on call for your questions, and be available at all hours! So, if you don't know a Vaper, you have me! (And thousands of other vapers who are willing to help you too!)
First, no matter where you buy, online or in person, do NOT pay $100 or more for your first kit! Here is a rundown of what you REALLY need in your first weeks:
A battery (two, if you are feeling flush)
A charger
Cartos, either prefilled or blank
Juice, if you have blank cartos, or know that you want to try your own juices.
To be honest, the carrying case is nice but not necessary, the charging case is nice, but not necessary and the pass-thru is nice, but unless you are a trucker or stuck at your desk for 8 hours every day, you don't really need it. I bought one, used it for two days and put it in the vape-junk drawer...I didn't like being tied to a 3 foot cord all day. You DO need enough cartomizers/blanks to get you through from one order to the next; I order once a month, so, I need enough to see me through a month plus shipping time.
I ALWAYS order online! The best deals are found there, you can ask questions without pressure and the selection is better than a "brick and mortar". I have been to two very different Vape Shops, one locally, where the kid on duty knew little to nothing about the product his boss carried and the other was one that I drove 150 miles to get to! It is owned and run by a "mom and pop" team of vapers who were EXTREMELY helpful, answered all my questions AND because I had purchased from them online, gave me the online discount. If you happen to live anywhere near Edgewater, Florida, go see LJ's E-smokes, 2329 S Ridgewood Ave, Edgewater, FL 386.402.8688. Ljsesmokes.com. These folks are good people, and can help you! (Tell them that the Vocal Vaper sent you!)
So, lets take this item by item! First: batteries.
Batteries come in every form, shape and style, beginning at the $10 disposable at Walgreens to the 24kt gold plated ProVari, to stainless steel batteries made in Greece, which are impossible to get unless you are willing to pay 3-5 times the original selling price to a "collector" who is trying to finance his next Ferrari by selling his collection.
You "might" want to buy a battery that replicates the feel, color, texture and flavor of your cigarette...totally understandable, I felt that way myself! But let me address "taste" first. NO electronic cigarette will taste "just like" your cigarette. With each inhale from your cigarette, you are not only inhaling "4000 chemicals" including formaldehyde, you are inhaling the smallest microns of ash...yes, the same ash that is on the tip of your smoke. So, NOTHING but a cigarette tastes like a cigarette. I can almost promise you that if you vape, without cheating, for a week, that when you break (and you will, and is okay, almost ALL of us do) you will discover just how awful cigarettes taste. I know, I know...I used be be a smoker! For 35 years, I did not believe that anyone could smell the cigarettes on me, on my clothes, on my breath, in my hair... I swore that every person ho saw me smoking, then started ACTING like she was choking and declaring herself "DEATHLY allergic" was so full of poo that her eyes were brown!
It wasn't until I was cigarette free for over a month that I realized that the only person I was fooling was myself.
See part Two, more battery information!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Vocal Vaper: Mt. Baker Vapor-Moo Juice
Greetings, dear Readers! I hope that your Thanksgiving Holiday was as lovely and enjoyable as mine was; a few hours spent with the two men who bless my life, my husband and my dear son. Life without both of these men would be unbearable, and my life is enriched because of them. I am very blessed indeed!
My son and I share the "hobby" of vaping; and I am surprised that although my son and I have so many similar tastes and similar thoughts that our choices in e-juice are so very different! I prefer a "dry" sweet juice, like coffee & cream or tart fruits and his preferences are more "sweet" sweet juices, like Rock Star and Slurm. Both of us just shake our heads and think "My GOODNESS, s/he vapes some AWFUL stuff!!" Not only is "taste subjective", but flavor preferences vary widely too. (Some people like liver and onions for dinner, and others cringe at the thought!)
I am a member of a Facebook group called "Tankinista Goddesses"; a small group of 12 ladies who all began their vaping adventure with Vapor4Life. A few of us purchase only selected V4L juices, a few purchase ALL of their supplies from V4L, and are dedicated KR808 stick bats, some use only 510s and some use both 808s AND 510s! We all "met" on the V4L forum and formed a friendly bond, as folks with similar experiences, values and personalities will do. The group defines us our love of vaping, and our thirst for knowledge about our shared hobby. I am so grateful that they extended an invitation to me to join them, they are a wonderful group of ladies, and we share our experiences with vaping, from discussions about equipment equipment: batteries, juice, and cartos to our favorite topic, tanks, of course!
Last week, while sharing my experiences with my favorite juice supplier, ECBlend, one of the goddess/sisters shared her experience with Mt. Baker Vapor. I am always eager to try a new juice vendor, so I turned the computer on and visited Mt. Baker Vapor!
After reviewing all of the choices, I (bravely) ordered two 50ml bottles of Moo Juice, a Strawberries & Cream flavor, and a 50ml bottle of Cream! If you were to look in my vape box, you would see 50 or 60 small sample bottles, proving that I ALWAYS sample a juice befor i buy it. I never order a juce ive never tried, froma vender i dont know...let alone TWO 50ml bottles of one juice and 50ml of another juice! What was I THINKING??
Mt Baker Vapor offers semi-custom juices; not only do you choose the nic level, but also the "base", ranging from 80pg/20vg to 20pg/80vg, and something I've never seen before:
70%VG/30% distilled water, for those who are sensitive to PG!! How GREAT is that? You can also add up to FIVE flavor shots to the juice to make it as flavorful and rich as you like it! So, your juice is NOT the just-off-the-shelf-everyone-gets-the-same-brew, you choose more than just the nicotine level, and I LIKE that!
I ordered all of the Mt.Baker Vapor juices with 12mg nicotine in a 50/50 blend...and being brave, I ordered 4 extra flavor shots, all for the VERY reasonable cost of $11.39. (YES, 50ml of juice for LESS than $12!!!)7 I ordered these juices at about 8:30 am on Saturday, November 24th...yes, thanksgiving weekend...I REALLY didn't expect to receive the juices until Friday, at the earliest...(i didnt have much faith in a fast delivery, because I had been waiting for over two weeks for a 3 bottle order from VD!) So,I I grabbed my batt and my tank, sat down in the rocker and began waiting for my vape mail...I felt like a hen sitting on an egg waiting for it to hatch!
Would you believe that my juices were delivered before 1 o'clock on Monday? You could have pushed me over with a feather! I live across the country, in Florida, not across the street! TWO DAYS from order to delivery! WOW!!
So, I filled my new JonBoy tank with Moo Juice, and I started vaping. The moo juice was amazing! Fresh strawberries and the taste of the very thick cream like I used to get when I lived on the farm...WOW!! I was blown away!! I couldn't put it down! I bet that I vaped over 4 1/2 ML of Moo Juice in the next 12 hours!! (And I haven't been able to put it down since then!)
Currently, the profits from the sale of Moo Juice are to be given to Jennifer Cook, of Phiniac, as she fights a rare form of breast cancer. So, not only are you getting an excellent juice, your purchase supports an excellent cause!! I've thought that because I love this juice so very much that I should purchase several of the large 50ml size, as I do not know if they will continue making the juice after Jennifer's recovery. It is my hope that they will continue to make the juice and contribute the profits to the
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a foundation dedicated to the research and cure of breast cancer. (They could give the profits to the Home for Wayward Girls, for as much as I care, JUST KEEP MAKING THE JUICE!!)
So, in ADDITION to getting a GREAT juice at an unbelievable price,(50ml for less than $12) AND receiving the product in record time...you are making a contribution to a good cause!
So, won't you take a moment next time you need juice to check out Mt.Baker Vapor juices, and order a bottle of Moo Juice to help Jennifer. If you don't like the juice, I promise that I will vape it for you!!
Take care until next time! Happy Vaping!
Via, the Vocal Vaper
My son and I share the "hobby" of vaping; and I am surprised that although my son and I have so many similar tastes and similar thoughts that our choices in e-juice are so very different! I prefer a "dry" sweet juice, like coffee & cream or tart fruits and his preferences are more "sweet" sweet juices, like Rock Star and Slurm. Both of us just shake our heads and think "My GOODNESS, s/he vapes some AWFUL stuff!!" Not only is "taste subjective", but flavor preferences vary widely too. (Some people like liver and onions for dinner, and others cringe at the thought!)
I am a member of a Facebook group called "Tankinista Goddesses"; a small group of 12 ladies who all began their vaping adventure with Vapor4Life. A few of us purchase only selected V4L juices, a few purchase ALL of their supplies from V4L, and are dedicated KR808 stick bats, some use only 510s and some use both 808s AND 510s! We all "met" on the V4L forum and formed a friendly bond, as folks with similar experiences, values and personalities will do. The group defines us our love of vaping, and our thirst for knowledge about our shared hobby. I am so grateful that they extended an invitation to me to join them, they are a wonderful group of ladies, and we share our experiences with vaping, from discussions about equipment equipment: batteries, juice, and cartos to our favorite topic, tanks, of course!
Last week, while sharing my experiences with my favorite juice supplier, ECBlend, one of the goddess/sisters shared her experience with Mt. Baker Vapor. I am always eager to try a new juice vendor, so I turned the computer on and visited Mt. Baker Vapor!
After reviewing all of the choices, I (bravely) ordered two 50ml bottles of Moo Juice, a Strawberries & Cream flavor, and a 50ml bottle of Cream! If you were to look in my vape box, you would see 50 or 60 small sample bottles, proving that I ALWAYS sample a juice befor i buy it. I never order a juce ive never tried, froma vender i dont know...let alone TWO 50ml bottles of one juice and 50ml of another juice! What was I THINKING??
Mt Baker Vapor offers semi-custom juices; not only do you choose the nic level, but also the "base", ranging from 80pg/20vg to 20pg/80vg, and something I've never seen before:
70%VG/30% distilled water, for those who are sensitive to PG!! How GREAT is that? You can also add up to FIVE flavor shots to the juice to make it as flavorful and rich as you like it! So, your juice is NOT the just-off-the-shelf-everyone-gets-the-same-brew, you choose more than just the nicotine level, and I LIKE that!
I ordered all of the Mt.Baker Vapor juices with 12mg nicotine in a 50/50 blend...and being brave, I ordered 4 extra flavor shots, all for the VERY reasonable cost of $11.39. (YES, 50ml of juice for LESS than $12!!!)7 I ordered these juices at about 8:30 am on Saturday, November 24th...yes, thanksgiving weekend...I REALLY didn't expect to receive the juices until Friday, at the earliest...(i didnt have much faith in a fast delivery, because I had been waiting for over two weeks for a 3 bottle order from VD!) So,I I grabbed my batt and my tank, sat down in the rocker and began waiting for my vape mail...I felt like a hen sitting on an egg waiting for it to hatch!
Would you believe that my juices were delivered before 1 o'clock on Monday? You could have pushed me over with a feather! I live across the country, in Florida, not across the street! TWO DAYS from order to delivery! WOW!!
So, I filled my new JonBoy tank with Moo Juice, and I started vaping. The moo juice was amazing! Fresh strawberries and the taste of the very thick cream like I used to get when I lived on the farm...WOW!! I was blown away!! I couldn't put it down! I bet that I vaped over 4 1/2 ML of Moo Juice in the next 12 hours!! (And I haven't been able to put it down since then!)
Currently, the profits from the sale of Moo Juice are to be given to Jennifer Cook, of Phiniac, as she fights a rare form of breast cancer. So, not only are you getting an excellent juice, your purchase supports an excellent cause!! I've thought that because I love this juice so very much that I should purchase several of the large 50ml size, as I do not know if they will continue making the juice after Jennifer's recovery. It is my hope that they will continue to make the juice and contribute the profits to the
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a foundation dedicated to the research and cure of breast cancer. (They could give the profits to the Home for Wayward Girls, for as much as I care, JUST KEEP MAKING THE JUICE!!)
So, in ADDITION to getting a GREAT juice at an unbelievable price,(50ml for less than $12) AND receiving the product in record time...you are making a contribution to a good cause!
So, won't you take a moment next time you need juice to check out Mt.Baker Vapor juices, and order a bottle of Moo Juice to help Jennifer. If you don't like the juice, I promise that I will vape it for you!!
Take care until next time! Happy Vaping!
Via, the Vocal Vaper
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-Things I've Found I Can't Live Without!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, October 1, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-adVentures in Vaping: The Vocal Vaper-I love Kir Fanis!
The Vocal Vaper-adVentures in Vaping: The Vocal Vaper-I love Kir Fanis!: I recently met a wonderful Greek designer, and purchased one of his beautiful tanks...this is the model called the "Prive", which was desig...
The Vocal Vaper-I love Kir Fanis!
I recently met a wonderful Greek designer, and purchased one of his beautiful tanks...this is the model called the "Prive", which was designed specifically for the ProVari.
Kir Fanis says:
"The tube is made by pmma material which according to European directives is food approved. The ss caps are made from 304-L stainless steel."
He has also added a patented refill placed on the top of the tank, utilizing a (very) small screw which is removed and a syringe or refill tip must be used for refilling. This is the only drawback to this tank: that the screw is very small and easily lost, but Kir Fanis is good enough to include an extra screw and an extra replacement tube when you order one of these beautiful tanks...this one drawback is inconsequential when weighed against the ease if refilling the tank so easily, as well was the "Wow" factor when the tank is on the ProVari. I cannot recommend owning at least ONE of Kir Fanis' beautiful creations! In my next post, I will review the Orive Veradero, another tank designed especially for the ProVari, and my FAVORITE tank....well, the Prive is my "FAVORITE " tank too...like me, you may "NEED" BOTH of them!
If you HAVE to own one of these, like I did, contact Kir Fanis directly at:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Vocal Vaper: Pink Ribbon Project
Please ask to be my friend on Facebook to be involved with the Surprise Pink Ribbon Project
Or leave a comment here...I will update other group members names and contacts as they are added...
Or leave a comment here...I will update other group members names and contacts as they are added...
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Vocal Vaper:Review-Tripolitis Tank by Kir Fanis
I received this tank last week, and the photos just don't do the tank justice! It vapes "like a train"' and because it is solid, high quality stainless steel, you can even vape cinnamon redhots with it, if you desire! It is solid, heavy and machined beautifully; it's a piece of art in your hand or on your APV! I'm using it on my ProVari, so, the only change I would make is to offer a "brushed" finish, but that is a minor drawback. One has the choice of either the "Beveled" or "Radius" style top, I chose the Radius style, which is rounded and compliments the body design. It isn't large, so it holds perhaps 2-2.5 ml of juice, but, it uses juice VERY efficiently, and I find that I am NOT constantly filling, although I THOUGHT that would be the case. It IS easy to refill, using the screw port on the top of the mod, The screw is small, but an extra is included, "just in case"; and yes, it is easier to use either a syringe or blunt filling tip, one cannot fill by using the juice bottle tip. I cannot recommend this tank and this artists designes too highly; the Tripolitis Tank is DEFINATELY one-of-a-kind, "screams class", and will only fuel your need to own a second mod from Kir Fanis. You will not be seeing this tank on anyone else's APV (yet). At $59.00, not for everyone's budget, but, then again, advanced vapers who have tired of seeing "the same old thing", and are looking for that "special" item, need look no more!
Available at www.avidvaper.com
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-Juice Review:Pink Spot French Vanilla
Introducing you to PINK SPOT VAPORS!!
Pink Spot was recommended to me by a vaping friend who assured me that I wouldn't be disappointed...What an UNDERSTATEMENT!!
I am a fairly "new" vaper....I've tried Blu e-cigs, and The SafeCig brands...then I discovered Vapor4Life, and all of their wonderful products...but even the most avid and devoted customer will try something new occasionally.
So, I set up an account with PinkSpotVapors.com and perused their offerings of "gourmet and signature e-juice and e-liquids". I ordered their "Sample Pack": choosing Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Caramel, Georgia Peach, Honey, French Vanilla and Butter Rum LifeSavers (six 6ml bottles for $29.95). The Pineapple Upside Down Cake, French Vanilla and Butter Rum LifeSavers were all so YUMMY that I still haven't opened the other three flavors!!! I would SWEAR that I am eating Pineapple Upside Down Cake when I am vaping that flavor, or sucking on a Butter Rum LifeSaver when I am vaping THAT flavor...but, I was so TOTALLY sold on the French Vanilla that I put down my eGo, fired up the computer and ordered a 30 ml bottle the same day that I received my first order!!
My second order, in addition to the 30ml bottle of French Vanilla,($22.95 plus shipping), I added samples of Swagger, Menthol, Kiss in the Dark, Juicy Watermelon and RY8. Juicy Watermelon is indeed, just what it says, and yummy; Swagger is a mild tobacco flavor, which Little Sister enjoys very much; RY8 is also very yummy; I haven't yet tried the Menthol; and Kiss in the Dark is chocolate and orange, and is VERY VERY good, it reminds me of those Chocolate Oranges I always buy at Christmas time, (and that I end up eating in one day)!! ALL of Pink Spot Vapor juices are GREAT!!!
I have enjoyed every drop of the French Vanilla!! And, I guess that this month, I need to place an order for another 30ml bottle for myself and one for Little Sister. The French Vanilla is exactly what you expect it to be. French Vanilla is often a stronger vanilla taste than 'Vanilla', perhaps with an enhanced taste of custard, butterscotch, or caramel. It is difficult to describe, but Pink Spot is "right on" with the flavor...which reminds me of every gourmet "french vanilla" ice cream I've ever tasted.
Throat Hit-8
When I am vaping a "dessert flavor", I am not looking for a heavy throat hit, so an 8 in this case is good...this makes a great night-time vape, after dinner and before bed...but also goes well with your coffee in the morning. The flavor is intense, and this juice would be great for mixing with another flavor, or enhancing another juice that needs a little "umph"...
Pink Spot takes pride in the fact that all of the ingredients in their juices are made in the USA; and they hand mix and sample each juice until it meets with their exacting standards!
"Friend" them on FaceBook or "follow" them on Twitter for exclusive offers and new flavor announcements. The also offer 'FREE SHIPPING" on orders over $100 or orders that include a T-shirt. They are just now introducing "Fuzzy Navel" ejuice, which is bound to please many vapers!! Sandi and Penn are the owners, and are devoted to producing the best juices possible!
In both of my packages were little "surprise gifts", little mini-samples of juices I could try, or pass on to a friend...and on the second order, every bottle, even the samples, had "Via's Juice" printed on the label...I LOVE THAT TOUCH!!! I hope that they continue to do that!!! How convenient that is, especially if you are getting together with friends to do a "juice tasting party"...there is never a question of who brought which juice, because your NAME is on it!!! I DO hope that even if business gets to be too hectic, that they will continue to put my name on my juices, it is a great touch, and a selling point for me!! I would even WAIT an extra day, or pay a small fee to have my name on the bottle!!! (And, it PROVES to me that my juice hasnt been sitting on their shelves for a year or two!!!)
DO TRY PINK SPOT VAPORS juices...you REALLY WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!! Visit them at: http://www.pinkspotvapors.com/
Feel free to make a comment below, or click one of the Subscribe buttons to get my updates as they are posted!! You can always ask questions by sending an email to: VocalVaper@gmail.com
Until next time....Happy Vaping!!
Via the Vocal Vaper
(No vendor supplies me with juices, batteries, tanks, cartos, etc. for review purposes. My opinions are my own, and remember "Taste is Subjective"!)
Pink Spot was recommended to me by a vaping friend who assured me that I wouldn't be disappointed...What an UNDERSTATEMENT!!
I am a fairly "new" vaper....I've tried Blu e-cigs, and The SafeCig brands...then I discovered Vapor4Life, and all of their wonderful products...but even the most avid and devoted customer will try something new occasionally.
So, I set up an account with PinkSpotVapors.com and perused their offerings of "gourmet and signature e-juice and e-liquids". I ordered their "Sample Pack": choosing Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Caramel, Georgia Peach, Honey, French Vanilla and Butter Rum LifeSavers (six 6ml bottles for $29.95). The Pineapple Upside Down Cake, French Vanilla and Butter Rum LifeSavers were all so YUMMY that I still haven't opened the other three flavors!!! I would SWEAR that I am eating Pineapple Upside Down Cake when I am vaping that flavor, or sucking on a Butter Rum LifeSaver when I am vaping THAT flavor...but, I was so TOTALLY sold on the French Vanilla that I put down my eGo, fired up the computer and ordered a 30 ml bottle the same day that I received my first order!!
My second order, in addition to the 30ml bottle of French Vanilla,($22.95 plus shipping), I added samples of Swagger, Menthol, Kiss in the Dark, Juicy Watermelon and RY8. Juicy Watermelon is indeed, just what it says, and yummy; Swagger is a mild tobacco flavor, which Little Sister enjoys very much; RY8 is also very yummy; I haven't yet tried the Menthol; and Kiss in the Dark is chocolate and orange, and is VERY VERY good, it reminds me of those Chocolate Oranges I always buy at Christmas time, (and that I end up eating in one day)!! ALL of Pink Spot Vapor juices are GREAT!!!
I have enjoyed every drop of the French Vanilla!! And, I guess that this month, I need to place an order for another 30ml bottle for myself and one for Little Sister. The French Vanilla is exactly what you expect it to be. French Vanilla is often a stronger vanilla taste than 'Vanilla', perhaps with an enhanced taste of custard, butterscotch, or caramel. It is difficult to describe, but Pink Spot is "right on" with the flavor...which reminds me of every gourmet "french vanilla" ice cream I've ever tasted.
Throat Hit-8
When I am vaping a "dessert flavor", I am not looking for a heavy throat hit, so an 8 in this case is good...this makes a great night-time vape, after dinner and before bed...but also goes well with your coffee in the morning. The flavor is intense, and this juice would be great for mixing with another flavor, or enhancing another juice that needs a little "umph"...
Pink Spot takes pride in the fact that all of the ingredients in their juices are made in the USA; and they hand mix and sample each juice until it meets with their exacting standards!
"Friend" them on FaceBook or "follow" them on Twitter for exclusive offers and new flavor announcements. The also offer 'FREE SHIPPING" on orders over $100 or orders that include a T-shirt. They are just now introducing "Fuzzy Navel" ejuice, which is bound to please many vapers!! Sandi and Penn are the owners, and are devoted to producing the best juices possible!
In both of my packages were little "surprise gifts", little mini-samples of juices I could try, or pass on to a friend...and on the second order, every bottle, even the samples, had "Via's Juice" printed on the label...I LOVE THAT TOUCH!!! I hope that they continue to do that!!! How convenient that is, especially if you are getting together with friends to do a "juice tasting party"...there is never a question of who brought which juice, because your NAME is on it!!! I DO hope that even if business gets to be too hectic, that they will continue to put my name on my juices, it is a great touch, and a selling point for me!! I would even WAIT an extra day, or pay a small fee to have my name on the bottle!!! (And, it PROVES to me that my juice hasnt been sitting on their shelves for a year or two!!!)
DO TRY PINK SPOT VAPORS juices...you REALLY WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!! Visit them at: http://www.pinkspotvapors.com/
Feel free to make a comment below, or click one of the Subscribe buttons to get my updates as they are posted!! You can always ask questions by sending an email to: VocalVaper@gmail.com
Until next time....Happy Vaping!!
Via the Vocal Vaper
(No vendor supplies me with juices, batteries, tanks, cartos, etc. for review purposes. My opinions are my own, and remember "Taste is Subjective"!)
The Vocal Vaper: What is a Sweet Spot?
A few weeks ago, I had to go find “the perfect pair of shoes”…I was getting married the next day, I had a pair of shoes that would “do”…but they just weren’t “perfect”. They were “too light”, and a bit “too high”…but they would “do”, I suppose. I had a beautiful dress…at first I thought it was “Champagne” with a “gray” lace overlay…and I had pictured in my head what the dress looked like. I happened to see a pair of “champagne” shoes on sale, and thinking they would “match” or at least “go”, I bought them. Once I got them home, i discovered that the shoes were actually more “pink-ivory” and my dress was…well, NOT that color….so….off to Design Shoe Warehouse, dress in hand…i must have been a sight!!! There I am, going up and down every aisle, beautiful dress draped over my arm in plastic…and I am wearing flip-flops, a skort, and a polo shirt….I was in a rush, being the day before the wedding, so i hadnt done my hair, put on my make-up or anything…and when the assistant asked if she could help…and I explained I was looking for a pair of shoes for a wedding…the poor thing said “Oh, who is getting married?” “I am, tomorrow.” I said…you could have mopped her off the floor with a sponge mop…an old, grey haired old woman, 20 pounds over-weight, dripping wrinkles with every step, standing there in flip-flops and a skort!…Well, she ran fast!!!
So, up and down the aisles I went some more…”Is this shoe the right color?” Nope…the heel too spiky on that pair…too “jungle” with that pair…BOWS on my TOES? NOPE!…FINALLY…I discovered not too high, not too short, not too small, not too large…just the right color: PEWTER!!! AND STILL less money than my shoe budget allowed!!! They were PERFECT!! I had found my SHOE SWEET SPOT!!
Every Vaping adVenture includes the search for a “Sweet Spot”…and Vapor 4 Life has many choices! But, how do we find our sweet spot? Perhaps, like going to the shoe store, its a lot of trial and error, try this, try that…I like this, but DON’T like THAT…
We begin with the battery: Short, Regular, Long….Ashcap, Stealth, Diamond, Titan, eGo…and then we add something to deliver vapor: Cool Cart, Wow Cart, (both available pre-filled in many flavors) Tank, or Mega Cart…and lastly, we add juice, (or flavor of pre-filled carto)…lots of choices there, too…USA, Premium, Wow or 100% VG…
What Makes YOU Happy
What makes YOU happy may not suit me at all! And what made you happy this morning, might not be what makes you happy this afternoon!!!
Last week, I was completely devoted to my eGo, Mega cart and one of five juices: Vanilla Mocha Frappe, Java Junction, Beach Bum, Jammin, and Peach Cobbler. Last night, for some reason, even I don’t know why, I went to something entirely different.. out came my Titan XL manual (Sapphire) with a pretty blue tank filled with VG Cafe Mocha.
What I find odd is that in the 43 years I was devoted to “stinkies”, I NEVER changed brands!! If I stopped at the local gas station and they were out of my brand, I would drive to another, and another and another gas station, until I found EXACTLY what I had been using before!! It would have NEVER occured to me to try something “different” than what I had been smoking before…
Vaping changes you!!
I have my three Titan XLs here on the end table, along with two 6ml tanks, one filled with Vanilla Mocha Frappe, the other with VG Cafe Mocha…my eGos retired to the eGo-2Go bag to await the next time I need them. I have a pack of pre-filled Cool Carts here on the table too, a mix of carts from my stash. I began my Vaping adVenture on January 9th, 2012; and it seems that my “sweet spot” has changed several times. Even juices that I didn’t care for a month ago taste a bit different today than I remember.
Perhaps that is why so many of us Vapers have so many things in our Vape Box…our taste changes as time passes, our tastes change day to day…whether it is because our taste buds are changing, or our tastes are becoming more sophisticated, or perhaps it is just like our shoe closet…different shoes for different occasions…
Sunday, April 29, 2012
The Vocal Vaper:Vapor4Life Cartos
I am probably asked this question more than any other...and it is the question that the answer frustrates both the person questioning, and the person answering...because there is NO straight answer!!
I use three types of cartomizers...The regular Cool Cart and Wow cartomizers, which I use on my King Diamond and Titan batteries as well as my eGo; the tanks and tank cartomizers on both styles of batteries; and the eGo Mega cartomizer which work on my eGo batts. I prefer using the "low resistance" cartomizers, usually 1.5, in the tanks; and the eGo Mega carts are 1.5 as well.
Each and every carto has a "life span", this can be days, weeks or months, depending on how they are used, how often they are used, and the battery they are used on...
An automatic battery is much "easier" on a carto...a manual tends to shorten the life by a little, depending on how long the user holds down the button and how hot the carto gets. I tend to swap out cartos when they get too hot...I don't really know if this lengethens the life span, but common sense tells me that if I let them get too hot, not only am I putting stress on the coils, but HEAT will "kill" nicotine (one of the reasons we store our liquids in a cool dry place, and not in the car, or in the hot garage!). The heat generated by a LR cart will shorten the life of the atty/carto too, in addition to reducing the amount of time your battery stays charged! But, I am willing to live with shorter battery times and shorter cart life in exchange for the nice, lush, juicy vapor I get when I use a LR cart!! As you progress in your own Vaping adVenture, you will learn how your equipment reacts to your own special vaping style. The beauty of vaping is that no two people have the same experience!
All of a sudden, perhaps...or over several minutes. You might notice that the vapor is no longer as lush and thick as it was...this is the first symptom that SOMETHING is wrong!
First, does your battery need to be charged? This is always my "first fix"; I swap out my battery! I have a handful of batteries, and several chargers, so I always have a few waiting to be charged, several charging, and several in my "vape bag" that are ready to use. So, when vapor production seems a little weak, I change to a fresh batt!
If you put a carto, tank or mega onto a fresh batt, and you still get "nothing"...next fix is to "adjust the post"! It's very easy and simple to do! See this YouTube video produced by Team KR808 and Mr SnowDragon:
If I'm STILL not getting a sizzle, you know that the cart is really DEAD!! If I still get a bit of sizzle...I pop off the top of the cart and look at the filling to see how dry the cart is...sometimes all it needs is a little juice added! If it still looks pretty juicy, it needs to be cleaned...sometimes its just clogged with half burnt juice and the wick is covered with junk! So, you can either clean or toss it...I always choose to clean it!!
Mr Rick07 over at ECF suggested that you get a "DenTck easy brush" (Miss Lisa 66 recommended the "GUM Soft Picks", which is what I use) and clean out the hole in the middle of the carto. She says "Rather than bristles, they have little rubber nubs; the brush part is wider at the bottom, come to a point and are very flexible. They have white handles and the rubberized part is green. They come with many in a package for under $4 with a little snap-shut case to hold them. Just one will last a long, long time....when a regular carto starts to taste a little funny or seem a little clogged, I take the tip of the brush, push it into the carto from both ends and work it up and down in there. It will clear the hole and pull out darkened juice that has built up. Then you can just wipe off the tip and reuse. Makes the cartos last longer and taste better."
This should help if you've been using a cartomizer for some time....
The last thing you can try is giving the carto a good cleaning! Miss Gator and I both use a jewelry steam cleaner, which works very well, but if you don't have a steam cleaner handy...Watch THIS video producedby Team KR808 on YouTube! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aeBwmVejNkk
If cleaning the cart doesn't work, you will need to replace the regular cool cart or WOW cart, Mega cart or cartomizer for the tank! For assistance in choosing the right cartomizer, read THIS blog post written by Mr Morandir! http://www.vapor4life.com/blog/replacement-cartos/
And, as always, you can ask questions on the Vapor4Life forum! http://www.vapor4life.com/forum There is always someone there who can help with whatever issue you have...we are all there to help YOU!!
Feel free to make a comment below, or click one of the Subscribe buttons to get my updates as they are posted!! You can always ask questions by sending an email to: VocalVaper@gmail.com Happy Vaping!!
I am probably asked this question more than any other...and it is the question that the answer frustrates both the person questioning, and the person answering...because there is NO straight answer!!
I use three types of cartomizers...The regular Cool Cart and Wow cartomizers, which I use on my King Diamond and Titan batteries as well as my eGo; the tanks and tank cartomizers on both styles of batteries; and the eGo Mega cartomizer which work on my eGo batts. I prefer using the "low resistance" cartomizers, usually 1.5, in the tanks; and the eGo Mega carts are 1.5 as well.
Each and every carto has a "life span", this can be days, weeks or months, depending on how they are used, how often they are used, and the battery they are used on...
An automatic battery is much "easier" on a carto...a manual tends to shorten the life by a little, depending on how long the user holds down the button and how hot the carto gets. I tend to swap out cartos when they get too hot...I don't really know if this lengethens the life span, but common sense tells me that if I let them get too hot, not only am I putting stress on the coils, but HEAT will "kill" nicotine (one of the reasons we store our liquids in a cool dry place, and not in the car, or in the hot garage!). The heat generated by a LR cart will shorten the life of the atty/carto too, in addition to reducing the amount of time your battery stays charged! But, I am willing to live with shorter battery times and shorter cart life in exchange for the nice, lush, juicy vapor I get when I use a LR cart!! As you progress in your own Vaping adVenture, you will learn how your equipment reacts to your own special vaping style. The beauty of vaping is that no two people have the same experience!
All of a sudden, perhaps...or over several minutes. You might notice that the vapor is no longer as lush and thick as it was...this is the first symptom that SOMETHING is wrong!
First, does your battery need to be charged? This is always my "first fix"; I swap out my battery! I have a handful of batteries, and several chargers, so I always have a few waiting to be charged, several charging, and several in my "vape bag" that are ready to use. So, when vapor production seems a little weak, I change to a fresh batt!
If you put a carto, tank or mega onto a fresh batt, and you still get "nothing"...next fix is to "adjust the post"! It's very easy and simple to do! See this YouTube video produced by Team KR808 and Mr SnowDragon:
If I'm STILL not getting a sizzle, you know that the cart is really DEAD!! If I still get a bit of sizzle...I pop off the top of the cart and look at the filling to see how dry the cart is...sometimes all it needs is a little juice added! If it still looks pretty juicy, it needs to be cleaned...sometimes its just clogged with half burnt juice and the wick is covered with junk! So, you can either clean or toss it...I always choose to clean it!!
Mr Rick07 over at ECF suggested that you get a "DenTck easy brush" (Miss Lisa 66 recommended the "GUM Soft Picks", which is what I use) and clean out the hole in the middle of the carto. She says "Rather than bristles, they have little rubber nubs; the brush part is wider at the bottom, come to a point and are very flexible. They have white handles and the rubberized part is green. They come with many in a package for under $4 with a little snap-shut case to hold them. Just one will last a long, long time....when a regular carto starts to taste a little funny or seem a little clogged, I take the tip of the brush, push it into the carto from both ends and work it up and down in there. It will clear the hole and pull out darkened juice that has built up. Then you can just wipe off the tip and reuse. Makes the cartos last longer and taste better."
This should help if you've been using a cartomizer for some time....
The last thing you can try is giving the carto a good cleaning! Miss Gator and I both use a jewelry steam cleaner, which works very well, but if you don't have a steam cleaner handy...Watch THIS video producedby Team KR808 on YouTube! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aeBwmVejNkk
If cleaning the cart doesn't work, you will need to replace the regular cool cart or WOW cart, Mega cart or cartomizer for the tank! For assistance in choosing the right cartomizer, read THIS blog post written by Mr Morandir! http://www.vapor4life.com/blog/replacement-cartos/
And, as always, you can ask questions on the Vapor4Life forum! http://www.vapor4life.com/forum There is always someone there who can help with whatever issue you have...we are all there to help YOU!!
Feel free to make a comment below, or click one of the Subscribe buttons to get my updates as they are posted!! You can always ask questions by sending an email to: VocalVaper@gmail.com Happy Vaping!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-Juice Review:V4L Vanilla Mocha Frappe
VAPOR4LIFE--Vanilla Mocha Frappe
Anyone who has ever chatted about juice with me knows my favorite juice is Vapor4Life-Vanilla Mocha Frappe. I LOVE this juice, and just can't get enough of it!!
Although VMF isn't one of the USA flavors, it IS complex; you taste vanilla, warm and creamy, and mocha. Mocha is traditionally Sugar, coffee (or espresso), chocolate syrup (or cocoa) and cream (or milk)...VMF has just the right proportions of all of those ingredients!! Frappe usually indicates that it is a frozen concoction, so I'm not exactly sure how "frappe" applies to this juice.
It's interesting to me that some folks pronounce "frappe" as "frap" (like trap); some say it "frap-pay" and others say "fra-pah". My Webster indicates that it is "frap"...but say it however your regional accent indicates, because I enjoy the regionalisms, and the different accents are being lost every day due to the fast-paced and travel oriented world in which we live...but that is another blog rant, not this one. I will just leave THAT topic with this: my dear husband used to have a very lovely north Florida/south Georgia accent.and after spending 4 years in the US Air Force, he came home with very little accent at all...what a pity...when he has a martini or two, the accent comes out, and I fall for his "sweet talking" all over again!!
VMF juice is 80/20 PG/VG base, and I have been vaping this juice since February 7, 2012, the day I placed my first order with Vapor4Life.
Throat hit-8+
This seems to be a general all-around favorite of anyone who loves coffee flavored drinks...and honestly, I would have probably picked up that pack of analogs long ago, if it hadn't been for VMF...My first purchase from V4L contained the "coffee sampler" pack along with 2 different packs of menthol...I purchased the menthol samplers because, like every new vaper, I was looking for something "that tasted EXACTLY like my analog smokes"...well, THAT ideal is impossible...VAPOR tastes NOTHING like SMOKE, no matter how hard you try... Analogs are full of chemicals, additives and junk off of the floor...vapor is pure and clean steam/vapor...its like comparing apples to oranges! Not ONE of the 10 flavors of menthol I tested tasted ANYthing like my analog, so I started in on the coffee flavors and all of a sudden I was SOLD on VAPING!!
I LOVED ALL of the coffee flavors...during the first few days of vaping, it was a toss up between espresso, cappuccino and VMF...at 24mg...now i shudder at the thought of such a heavily nic'd e-juice and when I order my cursor hovers over 18, then 12, then 18 again...I still can't bring myself to order VMF in the lower nic levels...perhaps next time!!
Well, that's all for this morning, my friends. Leave a comment and tell me how you feel about VMF...do you like it? What flavors in VMF are most prominent to you? Is it one of your "go-to" juices?
Love to all my readers!..I hope you click on the "subscribe" button, you will be informed when I post some new information. Also, feel free to ask questions in the comment section, even if it is "off topic"...if i don't know the answer, I know HOW to FIND the answer!!
Happy Vaping!!!
Via the Vocal Vaper
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Vocal Vaper-The Vapor 4 Life Forum
V4L Website and Inventory
My new year’s resolution was to switch to e-cigs and find the perfect vendor. After looking at ten to fifteen e-cig retailers, all offering a generic “white ash-cap battery” and a limited selection of cartomizers, I finally found the Vapor4Life website.
I was thrilled to discover that in addition to the generic ash-caps, V4L offered a variety of style and color choices. I fell in love with the King Diamond and Stealth batteries and the largest selection of cartos, batteries and juices I’d ever seen!
The huge selection confused me (but that happens to me even under normal circumstances) and I needed help with my selections. I decided that I needed the beautiful Gold Camo Stealth. But which type – auto or manual? What is the difference between them? How do they work? Oh, decisions, decisions. Looking for a guide, I began clicking on one tab after another and then I clicked on the “Forum” tab.
“Welcome to the Forum"
I lurked around the V4L forum for a few days, virtually peeking through all the windows and key holes. There were many people with different experiences. I found a really intelligent fellow, with a very scary avatar discussing ohms and mAHs; a really nice lady who seemed to pass out links like they were Easter eggs; a lady who seemed to “like” every comment or post that I liked; a woman who calls her pups “fur-babies”; a fellow with a wonderfully manicured set of fingernails who produces very informative and instructional videos; a lady who makes everyone laugh at her jokes; a lady from Oz, who is not named Dorothy; a fellow in love with his MOD; a very Adept young fellow, and one who Rantz; a couple whose work is restoring books; and a few who live near the Vapor4Life Smokeless Lounge. This large group of interesting folks was made up of people visiting for the first time and asking the same questions I had, along with happy, care-free folks kind and brave enough to say “Welcome to the Forum! I don’t know the answer your question, but someone who knows does will be signing in shortly. Could you stay online for a while?”
After a few days spent lurking, I felt I had to be a part of this group and I needed a hundred more answers to all the questions bouncing around in my head. So I put on my “big girl pants”, joined the forum and bravely posted my first question. I received almost a dozen replies; all sincerely welcoming me to the forum from some of the newest members all the way to one of the forum admins, and almost as many answers to my question, plus a link from the Link-Lady. It turned out that the forum was just as unique as the products that Vapor4Life offers.
My many questions are answered
Some of my questions were pretty easy: “How do you know when you’ve “burnt” a carto?”; and I thought that some of my questions were dumb: “What’s a PM?”; and some of the questions were “OT” (Off Topic). No one seemed to mind answering any of my questions or responding to some of my innate silliness!
I’ve been a member of the forum for a little over two months and have learned the answers to all of my initial questions. The more I learn, the more questions develop, and as a result of my questions I’ve met many new friends – people I really think of as family.
Come join the Vapor4Life forum family
I know it is a little frightening for some folks to hop into a forum or ask questions, but I hope that you will come join the Vapor4Life forum family. I know you will receive the same warm welcome that I did. Ask questions, share your accomplishments, enter a new contest, find out first about new products and inventory. You will meet some of the finest folks that have gathered with one thing in common: We all vape, and we all love the Vapor4Life products! Come join the welcoming forum of fun and information!
My new year’s resolution was to switch to e-cigs and find the perfect vendor. After looking at ten to fifteen e-cig retailers, all offering a generic “white ash-cap battery” and a limited selection of cartomizers, I finally found the Vapor4Life website.
I was thrilled to discover that in addition to the generic ash-caps, V4L offered a variety of style and color choices. I fell in love with the King Diamond and Stealth batteries and the largest selection of cartos, batteries and juices I’d ever seen!
The huge selection confused me (but that happens to me even under normal circumstances) and I needed help with my selections. I decided that I needed the beautiful Gold Camo Stealth. But which type – auto or manual? What is the difference between them? How do they work? Oh, decisions, decisions. Looking for a guide, I began clicking on one tab after another and then I clicked on the “Forum” tab.
“Welcome to the Forum"
I lurked around the V4L forum for a few days, virtually peeking through all the windows and key holes. There were many people with different experiences. I found a really intelligent fellow, with a very scary avatar discussing ohms and mAHs; a really nice lady who seemed to pass out links like they were Easter eggs; a lady who seemed to “like” every comment or post that I liked; a woman who calls her pups “fur-babies”; a fellow with a wonderfully manicured set of fingernails who produces very informative and instructional videos; a lady who makes everyone laugh at her jokes; a lady from Oz, who is not named Dorothy; a fellow in love with his MOD; a very Adept young fellow, and one who Rantz; a couple whose work is restoring books; and a few who live near the Vapor4Life Smokeless Lounge. This large group of interesting folks was made up of people visiting for the first time and asking the same questions I had, along with happy, care-free folks kind and brave enough to say “Welcome to the Forum! I don’t know the answer your question, but someone who knows does will be signing in shortly. Could you stay online for a while?”
After a few days spent lurking, I felt I had to be a part of this group and I needed a hundred more answers to all the questions bouncing around in my head. So I put on my “big girl pants”, joined the forum and bravely posted my first question. I received almost a dozen replies; all sincerely welcoming me to the forum from some of the newest members all the way to one of the forum admins, and almost as many answers to my question, plus a link from the Link-Lady. It turned out that the forum was just as unique as the products that Vapor4Life offers.
My many questions are answered
Some of my questions were pretty easy: “How do you know when you’ve “burnt” a carto?”; and I thought that some of my questions were dumb: “What’s a PM?”; and some of the questions were “OT” (Off Topic). No one seemed to mind answering any of my questions or responding to some of my innate silliness!
I’ve been a member of the forum for a little over two months and have learned the answers to all of my initial questions. The more I learn, the more questions develop, and as a result of my questions I’ve met many new friends – people I really think of as family.
Come join the Vapor4Life forum family
I know it is a little frightening for some folks to hop into a forum or ask questions, but I hope that you will come join the Vapor4Life forum family. I know you will receive the same warm welcome that I did. Ask questions, share your accomplishments, enter a new contest, find out first about new products and inventory. You will meet some of the finest folks that have gathered with one thing in common: We all vape, and we all love the Vapor4Life products! Come join the welcoming forum of fun and information!
The Vocal Vaper-Lets Talk Juice:Part 1
I have been vaping now for three and a half months and I sure have learned a LOT of things...about stick batts, and eGo products and juices...I just recently discovered some new juices.
I've tried about 35-40 juices from V4L; the menthol flavors: Menthol, Parlament, Kant, Kamel, Nuport and several others...the coffee flavors: Espresso, Cappuccino, Vanilla Mocha Frappe, Caramel Mocha Frappe, Coffee and Cafe Mocha...a few fruits and dessert juices: Peach Cobbler, Dark Chocolate Raspberry, Peach, Pineapple, Sour Cherry, Sour Apple, Pina Colada, Butterscotch, Pecan Pie and Vanilla...and the USA juices: BlackJack, Bandit Berry, Outlaw Apple, Beach Bum, Java Junction, Col. Caramel, Java Mint and just recently, Jammin
I wont bore you with a review of all the V4L flavors...some are very good, and are my favorites: Java Junction, Peach Cobbler, Vanilla Mocha Frappe, Jammin and Beach Bum....but some were just plain BAD, and no amount of "fixing" with vanilla or other flavoring will save them...Pecan Pie and Sour Apple come to mind...I shudder just thinking about those two...
I guess that after almost four months of vaping the same flavors every day, they all start tasting alike...don't misunderstand me...I really "love" Vapor 4 Life...actually, I LOVE their Customer Service, and I love their Forum, but that is a different blog post, so I wont go off topic right now. And, they ALWAYS have SOMETHING on sale...(use SMILIN10 for a 10% discount, or go to vapor4life.com to look for specials and visit the forum)
Before I start with the different vendors and juices, let me explain that I purchase ALL of the juices myself, no supplier gives me samples, I am not paid in any way. For my a "Taste Test", I first fill an empty V4L Cool Cart with the juice, and taste test it using a V4L King Diamond XL, if it is satisfactory, I fill an Ego Mega Cart, and taste test using my 900mah batt. I purchased ONLY sample sizes, I will note the size of the sample and the nic level. (V4L only offers "sample" sizes of their USA juices: 7ml sells for 6.50; 30ml sells for $12.50-14.95)
I purchased 5 bottles of Tasty Vapor juices. They currently offer only 18 flavors in 12mg and 24mg 10ml bottles for $6.75. I purchased the following: in 12mg nic.
Tasty Finger: Tastes JUST LIKE a ButterFinger candy bar!! Yum-yum!! But not an all day vape.
Butter Rum: Very Good!! Tastes just like you would think Buttered Rum would taste like...
Ultimate Vanilla: WOW..this is a great, sweet vanilla, good for vaping or mixing. satisfies a sweet tooth!
Cafe Macchiato: Very good...a little too much Chocolate for me, but excellent coffee flavor.
Tabacco Natural: This isn't bad...almost a "cigar" finish, and a bit sweet. I haven't quite made up my mind.
Overall, I was VERY IMPRESSED with Tasty Vapor. http://www.tastyvapor.us Their juices were just as advertised! Their 1oz bottles sell for $15.30. For those who might want to dabble in a bit of mixing, or saving a bit of cash, they offer "doublers"...a 0 nic flavored pre-mix which you can mix with a flavored NICOTINE juice. For instance, you might purchase a one ounce 48mg liquid ($15.30) with a 4 ounce 0 nic doubler ($16.50) and mix them together...then you would have 5oz of approximately 12mg juice for $31.80. That is quite a savings!! With a calculator and a little mixing, you can make the juice to your own specs and find that elusive "sweet spot"!!
They do not offer coupons. Their website has a good amount of information about their products.
QUOTE: All of the pre-mixes, I do myself, in small batches. I run a small operation and want to make sure that a considerable amount of care goes into not only dealing with my client base, but so that the products I sell, I've taken some time and care in preparing them, and sending them off.
Happy Vaping...see you soon!!!
I've tried about 35-40 juices from V4L; the menthol flavors: Menthol, Parlament, Kant, Kamel, Nuport and several others...the coffee flavors: Espresso, Cappuccino, Vanilla Mocha Frappe, Caramel Mocha Frappe, Coffee and Cafe Mocha...a few fruits and dessert juices: Peach Cobbler, Dark Chocolate Raspberry, Peach, Pineapple, Sour Cherry, Sour Apple, Pina Colada, Butterscotch, Pecan Pie and Vanilla...and the USA juices: BlackJack, Bandit Berry, Outlaw Apple, Beach Bum, Java Junction, Col. Caramel, Java Mint and just recently, Jammin
I wont bore you with a review of all the V4L flavors...some are very good, and are my favorites: Java Junction, Peach Cobbler, Vanilla Mocha Frappe, Jammin and Beach Bum....but some were just plain BAD, and no amount of "fixing" with vanilla or other flavoring will save them...Pecan Pie and Sour Apple come to mind...I shudder just thinking about those two...
I guess that after almost four months of vaping the same flavors every day, they all start tasting alike...don't misunderstand me...I really "love" Vapor 4 Life...actually, I LOVE their Customer Service, and I love their Forum, but that is a different blog post, so I wont go off topic right now. And, they ALWAYS have SOMETHING on sale...(use SMILIN10 for a 10% discount, or go to vapor4life.com to look for specials and visit the forum)
Before I start with the different vendors and juices, let me explain that I purchase ALL of the juices myself, no supplier gives me samples, I am not paid in any way. For my a "Taste Test", I first fill an empty V4L Cool Cart with the juice, and taste test it using a V4L King Diamond XL, if it is satisfactory, I fill an Ego Mega Cart, and taste test using my 900mah batt. I purchased ONLY sample sizes, I will note the size of the sample and the nic level. (V4L only offers "sample" sizes of their USA juices: 7ml sells for 6.50; 30ml sells for $12.50-14.95)
I purchased 5 bottles of Tasty Vapor juices. They currently offer only 18 flavors in 12mg and 24mg 10ml bottles for $6.75. I purchased the following: in 12mg nic.
Tasty Finger: Tastes JUST LIKE a ButterFinger candy bar!! Yum-yum!! But not an all day vape.
Butter Rum: Very Good!! Tastes just like you would think Buttered Rum would taste like...
Ultimate Vanilla: WOW..this is a great, sweet vanilla, good for vaping or mixing. satisfies a sweet tooth!
Cafe Macchiato: Very good...a little too much Chocolate for me, but excellent coffee flavor.
Tabacco Natural: This isn't bad...almost a "cigar" finish, and a bit sweet. I haven't quite made up my mind.
Overall, I was VERY IMPRESSED with Tasty Vapor. http://www.tastyvapor.us Their juices were just as advertised! Their 1oz bottles sell for $15.30. For those who might want to dabble in a bit of mixing, or saving a bit of cash, they offer "doublers"...a 0 nic flavored pre-mix which you can mix with a flavored NICOTINE juice. For instance, you might purchase a one ounce 48mg liquid ($15.30) with a 4 ounce 0 nic doubler ($16.50) and mix them together...then you would have 5oz of approximately 12mg juice for $31.80. That is quite a savings!! With a calculator and a little mixing, you can make the juice to your own specs and find that elusive "sweet spot"!!
They do not offer coupons. Their website has a good amount of information about their products.
QUOTE: All of the pre-mixes, I do myself, in small batches. I run a small operation and want to make sure that a considerable amount of care goes into not only dealing with my client base, but so that the products I sell, I've taken some time and care in preparing them, and sending them off.
Happy Vaping...see you soon!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The vocal Vaper-Let's Talk Cartos
I am probably asked this question more than any other...and it is the question that the answer frustrates both the person questioning, and the person answering...because there is no straight answer!!
I use three types of cartomizers...The regular Cool Cart and Wow cartomizers, which I use on my King Diamond and Titan batteries as well as my eGo; the tanks and tank cartomizers on both styles of batteries; and the eGo Mega cartomizer which work on my eGo batts.
I prefer using the "low resistance" cartomizers, usually 1.5, in the tanks; and the eGo Mega carts are 1.5 as well.
Each and every carto has a "life span", this can be days, weeks or months, depending on how they are used, how often they are used, and the battery they are used on...
An automatic battery is much "easier" on a carto...a manual tends to shorten the life by a little, depending on how long the user holds down the button and how hot the carto gets. I tend to swap out cartos when they get too hot...I don't really know if this lengethens the life span, but common sense tells me that if I let them get too hot, not only am I putting stress on the coils, but HEAT will "kill" nicotine (one of the reasons we store our liquids in a cool dry place, and not in the car, or in the hot garage!). The heat generated by a LR cart will shorten the life of the atty/carto too, in addition to reducing the amount of time your battery stays charged! But, I am willing to live with shorter battery times and shorter cart life in exchange for the nice, lush, juicy vapor I get when I use a LR cart!! As you progress in your own Vaping adVenture, you will learn how your equipment reacts to your own special vaping style. The beauty of vaping is that no two people have the same experience!
All of a sudden, perhaps...or over several minutes. You might notice that the vapor is no longer as lush and thick as it was...this is the first symptom that SOMETHING is wrong!
First, does your battery need to be charged? This is always my "first fix"; I swap out my battery! I have a handful of batteries, and several chargers, so I always have a few waiting to be charged, several charging, and several in my "vape bag" that are ready to use. So, when vapor production seems a little weak, I change to a fresh batt!
If you put a carto, tank or mega onto a fresh batt, and you still get "nothing"...next fix is to "adjust the post"! It's very easy and simple to do! See this YouTube video produced by Team KR808 and Mr SnowDragon:
If I'm STILL not getting a sizzle, you know that the cart is really DEAD!! If I still get a bit of sizzle...I pop off the top of the cart and look at the filling to see how dry the cart is...sometimes all it needs is a little juice added! If it still looks pretty juicy, it needs to be cleaned...sometimes its just clogged with half burnt juice and the wick is covered with junk! So, you can either clean or toss it...I always choose to clean it!!
Mr Rick07 over at ECF suggested that you get a "DenTck easy brush" (Miss Lisa 66 recommended the "GUM Soft Picks", which is what I use) and clean out the hole in the middle of the carto. She says "Rather than bristles, they have little rubber nubs; the brush part is wider at the bottom, come to a point and are very flexible. They have white handles and the rubberized part is green. They come with many in a package for under $4 with a little snap-shut case to hold them. Just one will last a long, long time....when a regular carto starts to taste a little funny or seem a little clogged, I take the tip of the brush, push it into the carto from both ends and work it up and down in there. It will clear the hole and pull out darkened juice that has built up. Then you can just wipe off the tip and reuse. Makes the cartos last longer and taste better."
This should help if you've been using a cartomizer for some time....
The last thing you can try is giving the carto a good cleaning! Miss Gator and I both use a jewelry steam cleaner, which works very well, but if you don't have a steam cleaner handy...Watch THIS video producedby Team KR808 on YouTube!
If cleaning the cart doesn't work, you will need to replace the regular cool cart or WOW cart, Mega cart or cartomizer for the tank! For assistance in choosing the right cartomizer, read THIS blog post written by Mr Morandir!
And, as always, you can ask questions on the forum! There is always someone there who can help with whatever issue you have...we are all there to help YOU!! Feel free to make a comment below! Happy Vaping!!
I am probably asked this question more than any other...and it is the question that the answer frustrates both the person questioning, and the person answering...because there is no straight answer!!
I use three types of cartomizers...The regular Cool Cart and Wow cartomizers, which I use on my King Diamond and Titan batteries as well as my eGo; the tanks and tank cartomizers on both styles of batteries; and the eGo Mega cartomizer which work on my eGo batts.
I prefer using the "low resistance" cartomizers, usually 1.5, in the tanks; and the eGo Mega carts are 1.5 as well.
Each and every carto has a "life span", this can be days, weeks or months, depending on how they are used, how often they are used, and the battery they are used on...
An automatic battery is much "easier" on a carto...a manual tends to shorten the life by a little, depending on how long the user holds down the button and how hot the carto gets. I tend to swap out cartos when they get too hot...I don't really know if this lengethens the life span, but common sense tells me that if I let them get too hot, not only am I putting stress on the coils, but HEAT will "kill" nicotine (one of the reasons we store our liquids in a cool dry place, and not in the car, or in the hot garage!). The heat generated by a LR cart will shorten the life of the atty/carto too, in addition to reducing the amount of time your battery stays charged! But, I am willing to live with shorter battery times and shorter cart life in exchange for the nice, lush, juicy vapor I get when I use a LR cart!! As you progress in your own Vaping adVenture, you will learn how your equipment reacts to your own special vaping style. The beauty of vaping is that no two people have the same experience!
All of a sudden, perhaps...or over several minutes. You might notice that the vapor is no longer as lush and thick as it was...this is the first symptom that SOMETHING is wrong!
First, does your battery need to be charged? This is always my "first fix"; I swap out my battery! I have a handful of batteries, and several chargers, so I always have a few waiting to be charged, several charging, and several in my "vape bag" that are ready to use. So, when vapor production seems a little weak, I change to a fresh batt!
If you put a carto, tank or mega onto a fresh batt, and you still get "nothing"...next fix is to "adjust the post"! It's very easy and simple to do! See this YouTube video produced by Team KR808 and Mr SnowDragon:
If I'm STILL not getting a sizzle, you know that the cart is really DEAD!! If I still get a bit of sizzle...I pop off the top of the cart and look at the filling to see how dry the cart is...sometimes all it needs is a little juice added! If it still looks pretty juicy, it needs to be cleaned...sometimes its just clogged with half burnt juice and the wick is covered with junk! So, you can either clean or toss it...I always choose to clean it!!
Mr Rick07 over at ECF suggested that you get a "DenTck easy brush" (Miss Lisa 66 recommended the "GUM Soft Picks", which is what I use) and clean out the hole in the middle of the carto. She says "Rather than bristles, they have little rubber nubs; the brush part is wider at the bottom, come to a point and are very flexible. They have white handles and the rubberized part is green. They come with many in a package for under $4 with a little snap-shut case to hold them. Just one will last a long, long time....when a regular carto starts to taste a little funny or seem a little clogged, I take the tip of the brush, push it into the carto from both ends and work it up and down in there. It will clear the hole and pull out darkened juice that has built up. Then you can just wipe off the tip and reuse. Makes the cartos last longer and taste better."
This should help if you've been using a cartomizer for some time....
The last thing you can try is giving the carto a good cleaning! Miss Gator and I both use a jewelry steam cleaner, which works very well, but if you don't have a steam cleaner handy...Watch THIS video producedby Team KR808 on YouTube!
If cleaning the cart doesn't work, you will need to replace the regular cool cart or WOW cart, Mega cart or cartomizer for the tank! For assistance in choosing the right cartomizer, read THIS blog post written by Mr Morandir!
And, as always, you can ask questions on the forum! There is always someone there who can help with whatever issue you have...we are all there to help YOU!! Feel free to make a comment below! Happy Vaping!!
The Vocal Vaper-Tips & Organization
Tips for the day....
Keeping your battery post, threads and all of your connections clean is vital to getting long life from your batteries!
I've acquired the habit of wiping the carto connection and battery posts every time I swap out carts or tanks...so I've been keeping a half-dozen or so q-tips drenched in alcohol in a snack Baggie...but, even double bagged, they sometimes dry out ...I discovered that my honey always gets those small 3-4 packs of q-tips from whatever hotel he has been staying, and there were a bunch in his shaving kit...so I filched a few of them and put a pack of them in my "to-go" kit (more on that later...) the only thing WRONG with that idea is that the q-tips are DRY!!!
I remembered that very early in my vape adVentures, I purchased a 7ml sample of one of the USA juices...and after i had vaped the contents, I couldn't find a good use for that little bottle...now, as i searched for "the perfect little container", it occurred to me that I could fill that little bottle with alcohol!! and add it to the contents already in my "to-go" kit!! Haha...problem solved!! So dby adding a pack of 4-5 q-thips in a travel pack and a little dripper bottle full of 7ml of alcohol to my travel kit, I'm ready to wipe down any drip as it happens! I just touch the tip of the alcohol bottle to one of the q-tips, and viola! I dont have to worry about pouring alcohol into a little cup, or cap or anything...works like a charm!!
I've also tried several things to carry my XL or my ego with either the mega cart ON it or with a tank on it....I FINALLY found something that was the right size!! When I leave the house, I take two egos, 4 or 5 mega carts, a couple of tanks and at least one XL battery with a couple of prefilled cartos....(I'm prepared for TEOTWAWKI!! The end of the world as we know it)...
I carry a very large handbag/tote bag when I leave the house...especially when going to the doc or other errands...my ipad, IPhone, medications, wallet brush/comb, make up kit, 4 pair of glasses (sun glasses, driving-at-night glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses), digital camera, keys, flashlight, inhaler, travel size baby powder, hand lotion, make up bag...etc..you know all the junk you carry....
Well I would also toss in whatever container I was using to hold my vape stuff...and nothing seemed to hold all the stuff I needed, so I had two have two bags: an ego bag and a stick batt bag...a few weeks ago, when I was shopping for shoes over at design shoe warehouse, I went over to the handbag section, searching for a small handbag that wasn't going to compete with my dress and shoes...I didnt want any thing with beads or sequins...just something PLAIN, and in the right color...as it happened...DSW was having a sale on some small handbags...they were VERY much like eyeglass classes but on STEROIDS!! They measure about 8" long by 4.5 wide and about 3 " deep (just an estimate) and they were HARD, perhaps metal covered with faux leather, and close with a large clasp.....they were on sale for $15,,,and are just long enough to fit an ego with mega carto...and deep enough to carry everything ELSE I need, and it easily fits into my purse; it is distinctive enough in shape and size for me to reach into my handbag and be able to put my hand on it immediately...
It holds: two 6.0 tanks, four 3.6 tanks, two egos with mega cartos, two extra mega cartos, two stick batts, several extra cool carts, the 7ml bottle of alcohol and q-tips, a few of those GUM brushes for emergencies, a safety pin for lifting posts and "the List"....
The List
I am easily confused, you know...so...I have a sheet of paper (taken from my scrapbook supplies) that lists the color and flavor contents of each of my tanks and mega carts...the list also includes the date when each carto/tank was installed/filled and what resistance the carto is...THE LIST is VERY helpful!!
I often find myself wondering "what was the resistance of the magenta tank? How long has it been in use? Here is my list:
3.5: Mega:
Lav-outlaw.3.16/1.5. Gr-peach. 4.13
Blu-bljack.3.09/1.5 Pk-bchbum 4.13
Mag-berry.3.19/2.0 Bk-JJ 3.09
Lim-bchbum.3.19 /1,5. Sv-VMF. 2.28
So, you see that the oldest Mega cartomizer is the Sv (silver) filled with Vanilla Mocha Frappe, started 2.28.2012.. The oldest Tank cartomizer is the 6.0 Blue one filled with Blackjack berry with a 1.5 carto on 3/9/2012...the latest fills we're the mega cartos: Green with peach cobbler and pink with beach bum on 4/13/2012...
The list sure helps me...I know when each carto was put into use, and what's in it!! It saves me a LOT of confusuion, and I keep the list in the top of my little evening bag that I toss into my purse!!
Ok...end of "tips for the day!!
Keeping your battery post, threads and all of your connections clean is vital to getting long life from your batteries!
I've acquired the habit of wiping the carto connection and battery posts every time I swap out carts or tanks...so I've been keeping a half-dozen or so q-tips drenched in alcohol in a snack Baggie...but, even double bagged, they sometimes dry out ...I discovered that my honey always gets those small 3-4 packs of q-tips from whatever hotel he has been staying, and there were a bunch in his shaving kit...so I filched a few of them and put a pack of them in my "to-go" kit (more on that later...) the only thing WRONG with that idea is that the q-tips are DRY!!!
I remembered that very early in my vape adVentures, I purchased a 7ml sample of one of the USA juices...and after i had vaped the contents, I couldn't find a good use for that little bottle...now, as i searched for "the perfect little container", it occurred to me that I could fill that little bottle with alcohol!! and add it to the contents already in my "to-go" kit!! Haha...problem solved!! So dby adding a pack of 4-5 q-thips in a travel pack and a little dripper bottle full of 7ml of alcohol to my travel kit, I'm ready to wipe down any drip as it happens! I just touch the tip of the alcohol bottle to one of the q-tips, and viola! I dont have to worry about pouring alcohol into a little cup, or cap or anything...works like a charm!!
I've also tried several things to carry my XL or my ego with either the mega cart ON it or with a tank on it....I FINALLY found something that was the right size!! When I leave the house, I take two egos, 4 or 5 mega carts, a couple of tanks and at least one XL battery with a couple of prefilled cartos....(I'm prepared for TEOTWAWKI!! The end of the world as we know it)...
I carry a very large handbag/tote bag when I leave the house...especially when going to the doc or other errands...my ipad, IPhone, medications, wallet brush/comb, make up kit, 4 pair of glasses (sun glasses, driving-at-night glasses, reading glasses and regular glasses), digital camera, keys, flashlight, inhaler, travel size baby powder, hand lotion, make up bag...etc..you know all the junk you carry....
Well I would also toss in whatever container I was using to hold my vape stuff...and nothing seemed to hold all the stuff I needed, so I had two have two bags: an ego bag and a stick batt bag...a few weeks ago, when I was shopping for shoes over at design shoe warehouse, I went over to the handbag section, searching for a small handbag that wasn't going to compete with my dress and shoes...I didnt want any thing with beads or sequins...just something PLAIN, and in the right color...as it happened...DSW was having a sale on some small handbags...they were VERY much like eyeglass classes but on STEROIDS!! They measure about 8" long by 4.5 wide and about 3 " deep (just an estimate) and they were HARD, perhaps metal covered with faux leather, and close with a large clasp.....they were on sale for $15,,,and are just long enough to fit an ego with mega carto...and deep enough to carry everything ELSE I need, and it easily fits into my purse; it is distinctive enough in shape and size for me to reach into my handbag and be able to put my hand on it immediately...
It holds: two 6.0 tanks, four 3.6 tanks, two egos with mega cartos, two extra mega cartos, two stick batts, several extra cool carts, the 7ml bottle of alcohol and q-tips, a few of those GUM brushes for emergencies, a safety pin for lifting posts and "the List"....
The List
I am easily confused, you know...so...I have a sheet of paper (taken from my scrapbook supplies) that lists the color and flavor contents of each of my tanks and mega carts...the list also includes the date when each carto/tank was installed/filled and what resistance the carto is...THE LIST is VERY helpful!!
I often find myself wondering "what was the resistance of the magenta tank? How long has it been in use? Here is my list:
3.5: Mega:
Lav-outlaw.3.16/1.5. Gr-peach. 4.13
Blu-bljack.3.09/1.5 Pk-bchbum 4.13
Mag-berry.3.19/2.0 Bk-JJ 3.09
Lim-bchbum.3.19 /1,5. Sv-VMF. 2.28
So, you see that the oldest Mega cartomizer is the Sv (silver) filled with Vanilla Mocha Frappe, started 2.28.2012.. The oldest Tank cartomizer is the 6.0 Blue one filled with Blackjack berry with a 1.5 carto on 3/9/2012...the latest fills we're the mega cartos: Green with peach cobbler and pink with beach bum on 4/13/2012...
The list sure helps me...I know when each carto was put into use, and what's in it!! It saves me a LOT of confusuion, and I keep the list in the top of my little evening bag that I toss into my purse!!
Ok...end of "tips for the day!!
The Vocal Vaper:My First E-Cig
My First E-Cigs
On January 9th of this year, my son visited me for a coffee and chat. As we were talking, he handed me a disposable e-cigarette that he had purchased at Walgreens and said "Mom, I'd really like you to try this...because I want you to be able to play with your grandchild." Grandchild? I don't have any grandchildren. Then it dawned on me that he was telling me I was going to become a gramma. Oh, the excitement!
It was THAT news started my vaping adventure. I used the BLU eCig that he gave me, and at the time, I was pretty impressed! The tastea wasn't too awful...not at ALL like my yummy (?) Salem 100s I'd been smoking for 43 years...but not awful...I think the first few days I was suffering "I've got a new gadget to play with!" which made me buy a few more...at $10 a piece!! Ouch!! Well I certainly couldn't AFFORD THAT, no matter how badly I wanted to quit!!!
I'd tried "quitting" before...way back when you had to get a prescription for nicorette gum...I got a prescription and bought that gum at RETAIL price...my insurance didn't even pay a dollar toward the RX...my feelings were that the insurance certainly didn't give a flip if you smoked or not, because if they REALLY DID CARE, they would pay portion off the pharmacy costs...If they didn't care, why should I? Oh, to be in my 30s again, and still believe that I was going to live forever!! I failed with the gum, failed with the patches,led idled with lemon drop candies, and even failedwith Chantix...three times...the smoking urge was so strong that even KNOWING I was going to throw up, I'd go out and smoke any way...my ex-husband's begging, pleading but mostly THREATENING harangues were useless..."you knew I smoked years here years before we got married...if it bothered you THAT much, y ou SHOULD have said something EARLIER!! TOO LATE NOW!!!" My smoking was an issue in our marriage, but not the ONLY issue...
and then ordered a small starter kit that my son recommended, from a mall kiosk. The ‘barebones’ kit came with a charger, battery and two packs of 24mg refill cartomizers. It was expected to arrive in just three days, which I thought was fantastic. I continued using the expensive disposables, and was delighted when my order arrived. The company said that one cart was equal to a pack of analogs, and I was determined to keep my usage down to one cart per day. The instructions said to vape until it tasted like a burnt-marshmallow. Following instructions, I burned every cartomizer.
When I only had enough supplies to last about a week, I ordered one refill pack to get me through until payday. I believed it would arrive in three to five days as the website stated. I waited, and waited. I pounced on the mailman every day. Each day I would count my dwindling supply of carts, and then seek out the mailman again. On day five I called customer service and got this response "Oh, no Ma'am, we only take orders, we can't help you. You need to send an email and someone will respond in 24 to 48 hours." Oh great, it was 6:00 on a Friday night, and I bet they mean "business hours". I sent my email, not really expecting resolution until Tuesday next week, plus three to five more shipping days! At this point, I was glad that they were only pulling these shenanigans on a small $18 order. I had close to $450 on my "wish list".
Bad Experience
That company never even acknowledged my customer service request. I did finally get that one package of replacement cartomizers. It went into a drawer for emergency use and I have never looked back.
Check back later this week to hear about how I found Vapor4Life. Feel free to comment below, or send me an email about your first experiences with e-cigarettes.
Until next time...happy vaping!
Your Vocal Vaper, Via
Via teaches marker rendering and Norwegian rosemaling. Contact her atViaFreeman@gmail.com.
On January 9th of this year, my son visited me for a coffee and chat. As we were talking, he handed me a disposable e-cigarette that he had purchased at Walgreens and said "Mom, I'd really like you to try this...because I want you to be able to play with your grandchild." Grandchild? I don't have any grandchildren. Then it dawned on me that he was telling me I was going to become a gramma. Oh, the excitement!
It was THAT news started my vaping adventure. I used the BLU eCig that he gave me, and at the time, I was pretty impressed! The tastea wasn't too awful...not at ALL like my yummy (?) Salem 100s I'd been smoking for 43 years...but not awful...I think the first few days I was suffering "I've got a new gadget to play with!" which made me buy a few more...at $10 a piece!! Ouch!! Well I certainly couldn't AFFORD THAT, no matter how badly I wanted to quit!!!
I'd tried "quitting" before...way back when you had to get a prescription for nicorette gum...I got a prescription and bought that gum at RETAIL price...my insurance didn't even pay a dollar toward the RX...my feelings were that the insurance certainly didn't give a flip if you smoked or not, because if they REALLY DID CARE, they would pay portion off the pharmacy costs...If they didn't care, why should I? Oh, to be in my 30s again, and still believe that I was going to live forever!! I failed with the gum, failed with the patches,led idled with lemon drop candies, and even failedwith Chantix...three times...the smoking urge was so strong that even KNOWING I was going to throw up, I'd go out and smoke any way...my ex-husband's begging, pleading but mostly THREATENING harangues were useless..."you knew I smoked years here years before we got married...if it bothered you THAT much, y ou SHOULD have said something EARLIER!! TOO LATE NOW!!!" My smoking was an issue in our marriage, but not the ONLY issue...
and then ordered a small starter kit that my son recommended, from a mall kiosk. The ‘barebones’ kit came with a charger, battery and two packs of 24mg refill cartomizers. It was expected to arrive in just three days, which I thought was fantastic. I continued using the expensive disposables, and was delighted when my order arrived. The company said that one cart was equal to a pack of analogs, and I was determined to keep my usage down to one cart per day. The instructions said to vape until it tasted like a burnt-marshmallow. Following instructions, I burned every cartomizer.
When I only had enough supplies to last about a week, I ordered one refill pack to get me through until payday. I believed it would arrive in three to five days as the website stated. I waited, and waited. I pounced on the mailman every day. Each day I would count my dwindling supply of carts, and then seek out the mailman again. On day five I called customer service and got this response "Oh, no Ma'am, we only take orders, we can't help you. You need to send an email and someone will respond in 24 to 48 hours." Oh great, it was 6:00 on a Friday night, and I bet they mean "business hours". I sent my email, not really expecting resolution until Tuesday next week, plus three to five more shipping days! At this point, I was glad that they were only pulling these shenanigans on a small $18 order. I had close to $450 on my "wish list".
Bad Experience
That company never even acknowledged my customer service request. I did finally get that one package of replacement cartomizers. It went into a drawer for emergency use and I have never looked back.
Check back later this week to hear about how I found Vapor4Life. Feel free to comment below, or send me an email about your first experiences with e-cigarettes.
Until next time...happy vaping!
Your Vocal Vaper, Via
Via teaches marker rendering and Norwegian rosemaling. Contact her atViaFreeman@gmail.com.
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